Casey Jones State Trail

Casey Jones State Trail

This trail has some history.It was named after a well known railroad engineer who died in the 1900's.There are some songs that mention him,for I think many of us have heard his name.

This is also one of the first state trails that was official sometime in the 1960's.

Some of our staff hope to visit there this spring,and maybe add a little more to this article.

The trail consists of 3 parts.The longest trail segment is 13 miles of natural surfaced former railroad grade between the city of Pipestone and the Pipestone/Murray county line.The second smaller trail is a natural surfaced path that runs west 1.5 miles from the city of Lake Wilson.The third part of this trail is a 6 mile stretch paved trail between Lake Shetek State Park and the small town of Currie. From the Pipestone National Monument,to sites associated with Laura Ingles.We all remember Little House On The Prairie.This trail is truely a path through the heart land of Minnesota. There are several spots where you can access this trail,so don't be afraid to call to find where.

For more information :

163 State Park Road Currie, MN 56123

507-763-3256 email:

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